Sometimes Jürgen surprises me. We were shopping.
I asked him if I could get a few things for the fairy gardens. I got
colored sand and succulents. He found some colored moss and he wanted me
to buy that. I think there is some creativity in him ready to find its
way out. I ordered fairies and tiny ceramic houses on Amazon. They are coming from China so it may take a
while before they get here.
My artist daughter Nicole is moving out in a week. She has finished one master’s degree and now
will work on a 2nd degree. We
got her longer than most parents get their kids. She just turned 23years old. But I admit Jürgen and I are both pretty
sad. Maybe this is why we want to do
something creative. Nicole is so
creative. I have a garden because of my
dad. He passed away in May. Being in the garden makes me think of
him. I guess it’s something like